About Maze Presbyterian Church

Maze Presbyterian Church

About us

Maze is a congregation of about 230 families set in the heart of the community which it serves. It is a very homely congregation, with a friendly atmosphere, and lots of activities throughout the week catering for all ages.

New buildWhile the church building we meet in has been here for 150 years the congregation itself has grown a lot in the last 10-20 years creating the need to enlarge the church and erect new halls. The Sunday morning gathering has a young feel and everyone is made very welcome and at ease so that one of our priorities of ministry is to the many young families who attend and reaching out to the community surrounding our premises.

Further growth required another historic step for the congregation which was completed in 2014. This required the demolition and compete rebuild of the church building itself and the creation of a new welcome area and a purpose built creche.

Leadership at Maze Presbyterian Church


Rev William Henry

William originally studied to be a chemist at Queens but felt the call of God to the full time ministry. He then entered the ministry of the Presbyterian church, studying at Union Theological College and serving an Assistantship at Whiteabbey Presbyterian Church.

He came to Maze in January 1997. He is married to Nora with three children: Bethany, Megan and Connor.

Clerk of Session

Dr Paul Hanna


Mr B Adams Mr A Irvine
Mr C Bell Mr R Watson
Mr J Brown Mr A Martin
Mr A Gibson Mr H McKendry
Mr G Browne Mr A Peoples
Mr S Houston Dr G Redpath
Mr K Irwin Miss A Harte
Mr G PageMr D WalkerMr S Thompson Mr D MorrowMr I Maxwell

Elder Emeritus

Mr L Bell
Mr S Swan Mr D Adams


Andrew McKinstry Jacqui Swan
Dale Gill Keith Redfern
David Carlisle Lisa Cochrane
David Davidson Mark Kirkwood
Brian Miller Paul Young
Diane Rosbotham Peter Hanna
Edna Moneypenny Robert Cleland
Graeme Anderson Robert Mcllroy
Jamie Williamson Valerie Wallace