News and Events

News and Events

Maze Church Reports

Church Report 2023

Church Report 2023 We are pleased to announce the availability of the 2023 Maze Presbyterian Church Report. This provides a ...
Junior Holiday Bible Club

HBC – Junior and Senior

Holiday Bible Club - Junior and Senior Maze PC Holiday Bible Club is back this year from Monday 24th - ...

Philippa Hanna – Live Tour

Philippa Hanna - Live Tour Saturday 18th May We are so excited to Welcome Philippa Hanna and her band this ...

Christianity Explored

Christianity Explored We will be running a new course starting Sunday 21st January 2024 - 7:15pm for coffee and running ...

Tuesday Club

Tuesday Club Unfortunately due to lack of numbers we have cancelled our outing to Genarm Castle. Tuesday club will still ...

Dates for Starting Back

Dates for Starting Back As we embark on a fresh journey in the upcoming Church year at Maze, we are ...

Maze PC Walking Group

Maze PC Walking Group Autumn programme 2023 September- November  Wednesday 13th September Antrim Castle gardens Wednesday    11th October    ...

Tuesday Club

Tuesday Club are meeting in the Welcome Area on : Tuesday 7th February at 10.30.  Paul Hanna will be sharing ...

Duke of Edinburgh

Are you Year 11 or above? Do you want to complete your Duke of Edinburgh's award? Contact us using: ...

Church Giving

Giving is an important part of our Christian discipleship. It shapes our hearts and practices to become more like Jesus, ...