Fellowship Groups
Fellowship groups are one of the most important ways that people connect and grow in their faith together.
Whatever your age, stage of life, or interests, there is a Fellowship group for you! Further down we have provided a short summary of each of the groups running at Maze
Our Current Study
Details coming soon…
Fellowship Group Venues
(Fortnightly at 8pm (Unless otherwise stated)
Brian Adam’s / Joe Cole’s Fellowship Group.
Our group meets in the church welcome area at 10.00 am on Tuesdays. The present group membership is predominantly older church folk but is open to anyone who is free on Tuesday mornings. We have thirteen members at present . Our meetings are relaxed and no one is pressured to contribute to our discussions. The format we follow- 10.00 to 10.30 tea/ coffee/ chat, 10.30 to 11.30 – Bible study and discussion , 11.30 – prayer and close.
Brian Miller
Our home group is held at Brian and Elaine Miller’s house- 85 Lany Rd Moira BT67 OPA – on a Wednesday evening at 8 pm . We have a good mix of ages and a few couples with kids who take it in turns to come – we are a relaxed, informal bunch who put a focus on growing in our Jesus centred faith, allowing God to speak to us through the word, but also supporting one another prayerfully and practically, with humour and humility as core values within the group trying to achieve this all on a fortnightly basis, aiming to finish at 10
Kathryn Kelsey
Kathryn Kelsey’s group meets in the church crèche on Friday at 9:30. It is made up mainly of mums with babies and preschoolers – anyone is welcome as long as you don’t mind a bit of noise! The kids play while we study the Bible. Our aim is to be a place where even when life is busy and chaotic, we can still find a space to study God’s Word, whilst supporting and encouraging each other in this particular stage of life.
Andy and Clare Gibson
Andy and Clare Gibson are hosting the group that previously met in Annette Harte’s home. It meets on a Tuesday night. They live at 11 Causeway Lodge BT28 2BZ. It has a good mix of age groups, from young singles to old marrieds who love fellowshipping together. They enjoy looking at God’s word together and supporting one another.
Stewart & Heather Houston
Stewart & Heather Houston’s group meets on Wednesday evening in their home, 2 Orchard Grange BT 26 6RR. Tea and coffee with sticky buns and a catch up gets the evening off to a great start. This is followed by a very relaxed informal time studying God’s word- there are no experts in the room, just people eager to know and understand what the Bible teaches. Our group is open to all age groups so do come and experience the fellowship and support of a small group.
Giles and Catherine Page
The group meeting in Giles and Catherine Page’s home 26 Halfpenny Rd BT67 0HW was previously led by Jonny Brown. It meets on a Thursday night. It has a mix of guys and girls, mainly in their 40s/ 50s. We have a fairly relaxed evening, enjoying tea or coffee while getting to spend time together building relationships and caring for each other. We welcome everyone being involved in discussions , recognising that we all see things in different ways and learning from each other as we study the Bible. In our prayer time we share our struggles and celebrations and offer our thanks and requests to God.
Harry and Janet McKendry
We meet on Tuesday evenings in Harry and Janet McKendry’s home at 6 Robbery Rd BT67 0HS, about a mile from the church. Our group is one of the original two and and we love supporting each other through the ups and downs of life. We celebrate when we see God at work in each other, and we are honest about our struggles and disappointments. The Bible is at the heart of our night and we have lots of different opinions , which are all appreciated and respected.
Robert & Helen Watson
Robert & Helen Watson’s group meets in their home 151 Ballynahinch Rd Dromore BT25 1EA on Tuesday evenings. They begin with coffee, tea and buns which gives time to catch up with each other. This is followed by a very informal time studying and discussing God’s word, usually with the help of the study guide/ video. We finish off the evening with a short time of personal prayer. Our group is all about fellowship, friendship and supporting one another.
Trevor & Mark
The Maghaberry group meet on Tuesdays in Trevor’s home Copperfield. We start with a cuppa and a catch up and then move to the Bible study material. We are an easy going group and enjoy being able to work together towards understanding the study. There’s no ‘right age’ for this group, we always look for a good diversity of members.
Melanie Cleland
Melanie Cleland’s group meets on a Wednesday morning in the welcome area at 9:30. It comprises ladies of different ages and stages of life, brought together by Christ. Babies and pre schoolers are welcome with their mummy!