Prayer is a gift. God has given each and every one of us the opportunity to address him directly. Moreover, not only is prayer a gift in itself, but God answers prayers with further gifts.
Prayer Ministry on Sunday Mornings
Organized prayer ministry is offered on the 1st and 3rd Sunday every month between end of August and June to any adult who would like to receive prayer. Please read the Maze PC guidelines on prayer ministry to find out more about this prayer ministry.
Questions and Answers
If you have a concern you would like others to pray for you can contact our confidential prayer chain.This is simply a text prayer message that is sent around some praying people in Maze.
Prayer Chain : 07793 367016
Other places we pray
- Prayer is a central part of the fellowship of our church. As we meet to look at God’s word together there is time to pray with and for one another as the bible encourages us to do.
- Jesus reminded his followers of the reality of his presence when he said that he was present even when 2 or 3 are gathered together. So we encourage church members to be part of a prayer triplet where we can pray with 2 other people regularly at a suitable time.
- On alternate Wednesdays (at 8pm in the Church Hall) the church has another opportunity to meet together and pray for ourselves, our community and our world.
- Many of the needs of our organisations and some publicly requested prayer needs are published each month in our Church Prayer Diary which reminds us all of the need to leave all these thoughts with God and seek his answer.